Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dimensional Magic {Easy Bracelet Tutorial}

Here is a super cute, fun, cheap and easy piece of jewelry to make 
(for those afraid of making jewelry!)
I stumbled across this nifty bracelet and thought of a perfect project for it! :)

Dimensional Magic Bracelet
This bracelet is totally customizable! 
All it takes is a few simple steps and time to dry 
and you’ll have a cute bracelet in no time! :)

The only supplies you need are:
Mod Podge Dimensional Magic (now found at Jo-Anns!)
Bezel Set Bracelet (purchased at Hobby Lobby)
Mod Podge (or any adhesive)
Scrap fabric and/or paper

Step 1. Trace and cut your pieces of scrap paper or fabric into little circles. I used paper AND fabric in different shades, textures and patterns (all black and white). For my first circle, I started off by tracing my circle charm from the bracelet, but made it a little bigger. I then trimmed it until it was a good fit for inside the bezel charm. I then used this as a “stencil” for all of my other fabric/paper. Cut the appropriate number of circles needed to fill your bracelet. (I removed a link from the bracelet seeing as how it was too big, so I had one less circle to fill than what it came with)

(Just a few of my cut-out circles)

Step 2. Figure out the order of your circles for how you want it to look on your bracelet. Play around! If you are doing various patterned paper/fabric, then the order of the circles CAN give it a different look! Once you’ve decided on your order, apply a SLIGHT even amount of Mod Podge (or any adhesive) to your charms and attach your paper/fabric to the inside. Let dry just a few minutes until they are all secured.

(photo is just to represent the amount of adhesive--very little needed!)

Step 3. This is the fun part! Apply your Dimensional Magic. Use a generous amount and fill to the rim of each bezel (for the best effect). Watch for bubbles! They will slowly develop as it dries. I had a hard time getting mine to go away…but with patience you can pop these suckers! I used a sewing pin…a toothpick will work just as well. 
(If this is your first time using Dimensional Magic, 
it WILL be opaque when first applied...but don't fret!)

Step 4. Let it dry!! I let mine dry overnight, but it’s pretty solid after about 3 hours. It will be opaque at first, but over time it will dry super clear and smooth

Here is the finished product! :)
Shiny and clear! : )

(It is hard to see in the photo, but the white charms have various print on them)

They have many bezel set pieces of jewelry out there…
earrings, necklaces, charms--big and small!! 
Also, with an unlimited amount of fabric and paper choices... 
Your creative options are endless!

Thank you Ashley from Not Just Grannies for the bracelet mention!

On to other jewelry that I have recently made for birthday gifts!
A red, black and silver necklace and bracelet set. 

A pink, white and coral necklace and earring set.
The pendant can be removed so that she can wear 
just the beaded necklace by itself if she wishes!

(Please don't mind the faces--Larry was making me laugh while taking pictures!)



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE dimensional magic!!! I can't get enough of this stuff. I haven't made a bracelet yet. Guess I need to give this a try!

  2. So cute - I love how YOU LOVE it!!

  3. I had never heard of dimensional magic - but I may have to run out get some! What a great jewelry!

  4. I love the bracelet! It has limitless possibilities. I have been wanting to use the Dimensional Magic on some jewelry that I hand painted, and haven't gotten around to it yet. I bought it, now you have inspired me to get it out and use it. Thanks!

  5. come hop on over to our blog if you would ever like to be featured or just need new recipes

  6. I really need to try that stuff! Great job.

  7. that stuff looks super cool. My little girl would love making her own bracelets!

  8. So pretty! Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you to see you again soon :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  9. I googled cheap bracelet tutorial for my mom's group. Been super stressed about this but it was a total God thing that I came across this adorable bracelet. We have tons of mod podge, paper, and fabric leftover from past crafts and an acct with Hobby Lobby. Cha Ching! Thanks so much!



Thank you SO much for your comments, I love reading each and every one <3