Friday, May 20, 2011

Fabric Flower Belt {Mini Tutorial}

As promised, here is the mini-tutorial for the matching belt to my latest one shoulder summer dress! This is a SUPER quick and easy accessory you can add to any outfit!

Belt Fabric (I used a suede)
Flower Fabric (I used a stretch knit--the same fabric as my dress)
Small piece of Velcro
Hot Glue
Scrap Fabric
Safety Pin
Sewing essentials (machine, thread and scissors)

The fabric I chose for my belt was a brown light-suede. I wanted to be able to add an accessory that would allow me to wear brown wedges or heels with my dress rather than just a lighter pair of shoes. My flower was made from the same material as my dress--a stretch knit.

First step: Measure your waist (or where you want your belt to sit). I wanted mine to hit right below my chest--the smallest part of my torso. Add about 3 inches to that for finishing and overlapping. Also, decide how wide you want your belt to be. My finished belt is about 2" wide. Cut a strip of fabric the length of your waist measurement (with the extra 3 inches) and 2.5 times the width that you want your belt to be. (For a 2" belt like mine, cut your strip about 4.5 inches wide)

Second step: Sew! Face your fabric right sides together and pin along the edges to keep the fabric straight, if necessary. Sew a straight line down your belt from end to end creating a tube. Trim off your excess seam allowance.

Try to cut your fabric straighter than I did :)
 Third step: Turn your belt ride side out and press flat with the seam in the center. Sew a top stitch at both the top and bottom of your belt for a finished look and to keep the belts shape. The center seam will be the back side of the belt.

Front side of your belt with top stitches
Back side of your belt with top stitches and center seam

Fourth step: Turn in both of your ends and sew the openings shut. When determining how much to turn in, make sure that the belt fits snug but still has some extra length for overlapping to add the velcro (that's where the extra 3 inches comes into play). Once sewn shut, sew on your velcro at the overlap by making sure one piece is on the "top" side of the belt and the other is on the "bottom" side of the belt so that they adhere when you put it on. Your belt is done!


Fifth step: Make your flower. I used the ruffle flower technique. After I made my flower, I hot glued a piece of scrap white fabric that I cut into a circle to the back of the flower to secure the shape. I then glued a smaller extra piece of fabric to the back that I could slide my safety pin into--only glue the ends of the small strip so the pin can slide through it. Slide your safety pin onto the flower, pin it to your belt and you're done!

I wore my belt to where the velcro was in the front and the flower was pinned directly over the velcro. It would be cute to off-center your flower as well (just not as cute with my one shoulder dress--too much asymmetry going on) ;)

The fact that the flower is safety-pinned and can be removed allows for your belt to be worn solid or with any other accessory attachments. :) I think a solid ruffle flower would look nice with my dress as well!

 Enjoy your new belt!!


1 comment:

  1. cute :) I love belts! anything to make my waist look smaller makes me happy. thanks for your comment anngela! and btw I wore that outfit for my 21st bday :)


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