Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pirate Treasure Chest Cake {Baking}

This past weekend we celebrated our close friend's sons 3rd birthday. A Pirate Pool Party had been planned! What an AWESOME theme for a 3 year olds summer birthday?! Along with the MANY decorations and goodies that his mother Autumn purchased for the party, she wanted to make a fun cake to go along with the theme. She recruited my help and after googling a few ideas and talking to some friends, we decided to make a pirate ship cake, a treasure chest cake and cupcakes. Mind you, neither her nor I are pro-bakers, let a lone cake decorators; she thought between my creativity and her willingness to make a fun cake for her son that we could get it accomplished. Her husband Tommy and Larry's mother also played a big role in making the cakes the night before the big day. 

Here is just SOME of the candy that we used for the cake and party!


We used this Treasure Chest Cake how-to tutorial for creating the treasure chest cake. The chest is what Autumn was most excited about for her son, TJ. We used a Wilton Pirate Ship cake pan for the ship.

Tommy was the one that did all of the baking while Autumn and I prepped the board that the cake would go on and got all the candy/decorations in order...we also had little man to watch after and entertain. :)

After baking and forcing the cake out of the pan--apparently the non-stick pan is a LIE--and cutting up the pieces according to the tutorial, this is what we came up with.
It looked a little wonky and not-so-much like a treasure chest, but we knew it was just the beginning stages and had faith!

After a little icing and decor, the chest was starting to come together! And TJ guessed exactly what it was--so that's all that mattered. :)

We finished the basic icing and decorating of the two cakes and cupcakes the night before and finished the final touches on Saturday morning before the party. Here are some photos of the final product! 

The treasure chest is on the top left, the pirate ship is on the bottom right and the cupcakes scattered all around. TJ really wanted green sails for the ship, which kind of made the ship look somewhat Christmassy--but he loved it! We added LOTS and LOTS of pirate toys, little ships, cannonballs, swords, fake jewels, coins, ring pops. and candy. ALL of the kids had a blast seeing all the goodies on the cake and picking out their favorites. TJ loved the candy necklaces.

Autumn and I posing for a photo with the cake. All of the adults had bandanas and pirate tattoos. :)

The idea for the cupcakes was that the gummie sharks and fish were swimming around the ship and treasure chest. We also alternated white cupcakes with pirate swords on them.

Apparently TJ turns shy when people to start to sing to him, because this is what he did during his 'Happy Birthday' song! How cute!!

He soon decided to blow out his candles and enjoy his cake!!

TJ LOVED his cake--if you can't tell from the evidence on his mouth. :)

TJ playing with all of the goodies on his cake--he tried to shove anything and everything he could into the little pirate ship. :)

It's safe to say it was a VERY successful birthday for the little man--and first successful cake decorating for all of us! I'm not sure we would go pro with it, but at least we know we can make a cake good enough for a 3 year old's taste! I'm so glad that the party was such a success--can't wait to see what the theme will be for his birthday next year!! <3


  1. That cake is INCREDIBLE- as is the whole spread on the table - what a fantastic effort!

    I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
    Have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. that cake it too much fun! love it :)

    found you over at someday crafts, stop by for a visit sometime :)

  3. this cake is awesome! how fun is this! I LOVE it! great job! I found your blog through a link party and i LOVE it! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! thanks!

  4. I love the idea of filling the cake with all that loot! What fun! Thanks!

  5. SO FUN!!! haha that's awesome!

    Thanks for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday :)


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