Stretch Pearl Ring
Jewelry Stretch Cord
Pearls, crystals, silver beads
Jeweler's glue/cement
Jeweler's glue/cement
Step 1. Cut the Stretch Cord to your desired length. I always give tons of extra length so that I have room to arrange the beads and still have plenty of cord to tie a knot at the end. I cut mine at about 8 inches or so.
Step 2. Design your ring. Strand the beads however you would like. I usually start with my center stone (the pearl) and work to the outside. I ordered my ring as follows from the center: Pearl, swarovski crystal, silver spacer bead, silver beads
Step 3. Be sure that your ring is snug, but not too tight when determing the size. To finish it off tie a knot as tight as you can without leaving a gap in the beads. I have yet to perfect the best way of tying stretch cord, though a square knot has seemed to be the go-to knot thus far. I've also used a surgeon's knot. Here are two links that do a much better job giving directions to tying than I would!
For a little extra security, dab a small amount of jeweler's glue/cement to the knot if you have some on hand. Make sure there is enough stretch in your ring to not have the elastic break; no knot can prevent this from happening!
Enjoy your ring!
I apologize for the low-quality photos as my digital camera batteries were dead--
these are courtesy of my iPhone. :)
Lissette with her new ring--she was SO ecstatic when she opened her new jewelry. She is already placing orders for friends birthday gifts...AND more for herself. :)
With the matching bracelet.

Very pretty ring! And seems pretty easy to make, thanks for sharing!
This is really a great post to know about the making of stretch pearl ring. The ring looks quite simple and beautiful. The step-wise method you have presented for making this ring makes this post impressive. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post.
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