Monday, May 23, 2011

Ribbons and Pearls Jewelry Set {Mini Tutorial}

I posted the tutorial for the green pearl ring I gave to my friend Lisette for her birthday here. She loved it so much she wanted me to make another set out of purple pearls to be used for a good friends birthday gift! It is very similar to the green one but with a little added bling--and it has matching earrings rather than a bracelet.

With the leftover pearls I decided to make a jewelry set for myself since besides my charms that I turned into a necklace, I haven't made any new jewelry for myself in a while. Here is what I came up with!

I first started with the necklace. I knew I wanted to create that floating-pearl-on-a-long-chain-look but about halfway through I remembered Disney's J.Crew inspired necklace post off my 'Someday Crafts' list and thought that it would be the perfect time to make it--I just love the bows, they are my favorite part of the necklace!...I knew I had everything I needed already on hand and after searching many boxes for the perfect matching ribbon I got to making my set.

Crimp bead covers OR clasp

Jewelry stretch cord


Also a pair of needle nose pliers, wire cutters, a handy bottle of super glue and a lighter 
(don't forget to singe all of your ribbon ends so they don't fray please!)

Disney did a FABULOUS job giving details of the various supplies and directions for making the necklace. If you're a beginner jewelry-maker, please read this! She has fabulous details and pictures in reference to the supplies and tools. For my necklace, the only difference was that I used less pearls and a thinner ribbon--I also secured my bows with a few dabs of super glue rather than a needle and thread. I also used the matching ribbon for the closure of the necklace rather than a clasp attached to the chain. To do this, simply knot a strand of ribbon to each end of your chain. Use a crimp bead cover to hide your knot. Simply tie the ribbon around your neck to wear the necklace!

For the bracelet:

This one is the easiest! Cut a piece of stretch jewelry cord the length of your wrist plus a good 3-4 inches for room to strand your pearls and tie a knot. Strand your pearls onto the cord. Make sure to have enough pearls to where the bracelet is snug, but not too tight. I used a square knot to tie the cord. Trim your strands and tie on a bow with your ribbon for looks. :)

For the earrings:
Strand a pearl to the bottom of your headpin. Create a loop with your needle nose pliers and trim off the excess wire (the same as Disney does with her pearls on her necklace). Open your loop and strand the pearl onto your earwire. All that's left is to add the bow...I'm not going to lie, doing this took the most time out of the entire set! Tie a bow around the loop you made from your headpin rather than onto the earwire. This will allow for the bow to sway with the pearl while still facing forward. Once you have the PERFECT bow tied, get your super glue and dab some on the back, front and all around your bow to hold it in place! :) All done!

I am beyond pleased with how simple this was, fast it took to make and great it came out!
I bet you'll think twice about purchasing that $30+ set similar to this at Express, Anthro or NY&Co. since you can make one of your own in only 30 minutes! :)

Thanks Rebecca for featuring my jewelry set on My Girlish Whims!!



Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

These are so pretty!

Meredith said...

how pretty are you?? wow! love this girly look too! :)

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

Hey I featured this on my blog today! :D Come grab a button!

Discount Jewellery said...

This is really a great idea of using ribbons on the pearl jewellery. It gives the jewellery a unique style as well enhance the beauty of the product. You can use your own creative ideas in the use of ribbon on the jewellery so that it will be more attractive. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

I like making jewelry from pearls! I’m currently working on my blue jewelry set and I guess that’ll look better with a shade of pink. By the way, I love the simplicity that you incorporate in your jewelry and it really suits you. Good job Anngela! :)

- Idaline Cirillo -