Today holds the birthday to two very special people! Larry's mother, April Wells and one of my best friends, Christina McElheney.

I've know Christina for almost 6 years now (who's counting? haha)...We've stayed good friends throughout all of our up's and down's...and believe me, we've had many over the years! She is a good friend & I love her!
Hope you both have a great birthday!!
Here are photos of Jamie & I's secret project :) ...Mom Wells' birthday gift! We hand painted each of our names, as well as "Sun Kissed Beauty" onto pink metal beach buckets with Sharpie paint markers. We added some ribbon, glued on some crystals...and voila! It turned out super cute! We stuffed them with lei's and plastic shovels (for finding and collecting shells at the beach of course!) and filled her bucket with lots of girlie goodies...a candle, air freshener, body spray, loofa, soap, etc. We go on vacation to Longboat Key every year and never have anywhere to collect our shells other than plastic zip-locs!...This year we will be prepared :) We were so excited to give it all to her, and she LOVED it!
I also made a tag and card with the help of my Cricut! :)
Super cute! Love them (:
Love your card!!! Great job!
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